Lands for Sale in Al Qassim
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Residential land for sale, distinctive with stunning views and large areas

Lands for Sale
Since 3 years
بسم الله الرحمن منح اراضي منطقه المطلوبه نطلع لي كل شخص 1000متر في المنطقه المطلوبه ارسل الان صورة البطاقه خلال 8ايام نجيب الموافقه من الديوان ونطبع الصك التواصل واتس اب 0592162094
12,000 SAR
Lands for Sale
Since 6 years
أبحث عن شريك بالمغارسة أو مستثمر فلاحي
As a searcher among the ads in this section, and you want to get results similar to the type and form of your search in one way or another, we advise you to use the “Search Filter” feature to specify in it the specifications you want that suit you, starting with the type. Specify the type of land or farm from the “dedicated to” option: residential, commercial, agricultural , Multiple uses, industrial, other. And the land area is in meters - hectares - acres and dunams and ends with the price