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- Feasibility studies and financial and administrative consulting
Feasibility studies and financial and administrative consulting
نشر بتاريخ 2022-12-30 10:39 PM
Soliman for Financial and Administrative Consultations is a group of professional consultants with long experiences (Freelancers) in this field for all over the Kingdom and abroad, Remote work is also available in order to provide our services with the highest quality and by the required speed of completion and our the consulting services in the Feasibility Studies, preparation of Strategic and Operational plans, financial modeling & operating modeling, company evaluation services, Liquidity Management Crises, Plans for increasing revenues, Financial Restructuring , Administrative Restructuring, Preparation of Financial and Administrative Regulations and Polices, Preparing Cost Systems, preparing Job Descriptions, Performance Indicators (KPIs), Organizational Structure, Career Ladder, Appropriate Wage Structure, Determining for the employees number of in each sector and the other. Also, in our other branch, we Prepare Approved Balance Sheet, External audits, Accounting Registration with using IFRS, Submitting the Zakat Declaration, Preparing Zero Balance Sheet, Tax Objections Submitting to all grades before the tax committees, preparing the monthly value-added tax declaration, preparing liquidation Balance Sheet, Setting up Accounting Tree, and monthly financial supervision and other services.