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- An Expert Jordanian consultant ready to provide consulting services
An Expert Jordanian consultant ready to provide consulting services
نشر بتاريخ 2022-06-13 6:55 PM
A Jordanian HR Expert resident in Riyadh with more than 25 years of experience in Human Resources operational and organizational development, worked in a biggest company in Riyadh, ready to provide a part time job, consulting services, or trains the HR employees and leaders and the following is part of the experiences: Develop the organizational plans and development strategies based on the companys objectives. Prepare and develop the companys HR policies, procedures and internal regulations manual. Prepare and develop organizational structures and administrative dependencies. Prepare and develop the career path and job salary scale and set the standards for career growth and progression. Build the job competencies dictionary and mapping. Prepare and develop the Job Descriptions and train employees about their administrative tasks. Evaluate employees and administrative work and redistribute tasks with the best practices. Evaluate existing business systems and processes and provide improvement recommendation. Raising awareness of the companys employees on new organizational processes. Develop job training programs for employees. Develop recruitment and compensation policies. Develop loyalty and job stability programs. Identify critical job positions and ensure that they are filled with the right staff. Build a positive and performance-oriented work environment for employees. Work with management to address employee concerns and develop performance. Contact on the mobile number