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- للبيع جهاز Human Diagnostic Elisys Uno Fully Automated ELISA Analyzer
للبيع جهاز Human Diagnostic Elisys Uno Fully Automated ELISA Analyzer
نشر بتاريخ 2019-08-31 2:49 PM
يوجد لدينا جهاز Human Diagnostic Elisys Uno Fully Automated ELISA Analyzer تم شراؤه ولم يستخدم نهائيا تم شراؤه ب 88 الف سعودي مميزات الجهاز Open system Convinent and efficient Easy user friendly software Customised Racks Simultainous testing of upto8 parameters Time management system Human Diagnostic’s automated ELISA analyzer is a fully open system that covers the requirements of small to large ELISA laboratories. Full automation is available for 1 , 2 or 4 plates with different test combinations on each plate. Sample barcode reading for secure, automatic sample identification. All ELISA tests are pre-programmed and additional open channel applications can be added any time